AMST 371.01 
Class and Culture
Roger Williams University
M-TH 3:30 - 4:50
GHH 208
Michael R. H. Swanson, Ph. D. 
Office GHH 215
Hours:  M: 9:30-11:00 T, Th 11:00-12:00, 2:00-3:00
Phone:  (254) 3230
For Monday, March 20
Welcome Back!  I hope you had a great spring break.  I didn't spoil it by giving you a pile of readings to do during your vacation.  I do hope you read ahead a bit in "Economic Apartheid in America"  I'll really want to dig into it next week.

Today we're going to watch what I think is a very interesting and and unusual documentary written by Jamie Johnson, heir to Johnson & Johnson company.  He will introduce you to a number of his "born rich" friends--most of whom I will bet you have never heard.  One of them, however, I will bet you have heard of, especially recently.  Her initials?  I. T.
This is the first building Johnson and Johnson company owned.  The founder was not born rich.  Click on the picture to view information about Johnson and Johnson (Provided by Johnson and Johnson)
For Thursday, March 23
We will watch another video today, The Koch Brothers Exposed.  The director of this video, Robert Greenwald of Brave New Films, has a point of view very much like that of the writers of Economic Apartheid in America. The film first came out in 2012,  It was updated in 2014 and the updated version is located behind the picture above.  I will show the version which is clearest in class.  Look at it ahead, if you want to. 

The principal organization which the Koch Brothers use to spread their message is called Americans for Prosperity.   Prepare yourselves for this class by looking at the page, find something interesting and put it in your resource folder.  Actually as I move through the version YouTube I'm finding they are quite different from each other.  I'll decide which one to show by Thursday.

Some of the other organizations mentioned are

Again, PLEASE work ahead in Economic Apartheid in America.  Add things to your resource folder as I've asked you to do over and over. 
Jamie Johnson filmed a seconde documentary, "The  One Percent" in 2006.  There's a link to it on his picture above.