Michael R. H. Swanson, Ph. D.
Office GHH 215
Hours: M: 9:30-11:00 T, Th 11:00-12:00, 2:00-3:00
Phone: (254) 3230
While you're working on your Samaritan paper. I'd like to have you do a little Internet project. Social class economic definitions are different from place to place. The County Ranking Map will take you to a feature from the New York Times when you click on it. Do so, and after you reach the website work with the interactive features. Here's what I'd like to have you do.
- Choose one county from each end of the spectrum (not necessarily the absolute best or worst, but avoid the color in the middle). You will note that it opens a table with the information about the county, like the one for Fayette County, IL, to the right.
- Then go to Google Maps and visit the county and one of the towns in it. Locate something interesting, Use streetview, if you can.
- Copy the link, and add it to your resource folder. I'll give a demo in class.