AMST 371.01 
Class and Culture
Roger Williams University
M-TH 3:30 - 4:50
GHH 208
Michael R. H. Swanson, Ph. D. 
Office GHH 215
Hours:  M: 9:30-11:00 T, Th 11:00-12:00, 2:00-3:00
Phone:  (254) 3230
Monday, January 30
Thursday, February 2
Download and read The Pew Report on Segregation by Income
Warning.  There are a lot of statistics here.  Don’t let that scare you off.  Obviously no one is expected to memorize these–me included.  But what I want to have you do is get a sense of the generalizations–both for the country as a whole, and for the various regions and metropolitan districts. 

Be aware of the variations, in terms of time, place, and/or in terms of dollars.  For example, take a look at the chart Definition of Household Income Groups on p. 23.  What has happened across time?  What was the minimum income for the upper class in 1980.  What is the minimum income now?  What does that suggest to you? 

I'm going to ask you to use a couple of Adobe Reader tools (the highlighter and the sticky note) on this and other content throughout the semester.  In this case I'd like to have you highlight sections which answer the questions in the paragraph above.  Then I want you to load up your marked up copy into your dropbox.  I'll give a demo in class the day I introduce this web page.
Click on either map to visit the City Data page for New Bedford Massachusetts.  The scale below the maps represents median household income for each tract, the paler the color the higher the income. See if you  can locate the two census blocks I've clicked upon.  You'll be able to explore further data.  A muse about your thoughts on this would be much appreciated.  
Have you finished Samaritan yet?  Just in case we have a blizzard, I'm going to hold off our initial discussion of it until this day.  I'll also introduce a bit of writing I'd like to have you do on this book
Otherwise known (by us) as Dempsey
Go to the accompanying website for Class Matters, and Take the interactive poll